This, from Motoring, under Bike Industry news:
Hollywood has always looked to two wheels to bring a little sexy glamour to a movie – think Lucy Liu and Pierce Brosnan handcuffed to a BMW R 1200C, Charlie’s Angels riding motocross, or Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft raiding tombs on a 664 CCM. But Britain’s romantic bikers would rather ride with their other half than movie megastars like Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Sean Bean or Antonio Banderas.Asked to name who they would most like to take a fantasy ride with, twice as many bikers nominated their partners than Kylie, Star Wars’ Ewan McGregor, Valkyrie’s Tom Cruise or Bond’s Pierce Brosnan. One particularly lovelorn soul taking the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCI) surveySkoda nominated “Rachel from the office next door.”
(...the feature continues -- On course for love, 5 February 2009 ... but the boo boo's already there ... along with a whole lot of dropped names!)
Spot it yet? Let me help:

Here's the stunt scene where the Chinese lady agent was cuffed to the BMW with 007... and it's a wow of a scene, best in the movie ...

...and here is Lucy Liu, who seems to be largely a lingerie model, and often quite difficult to recognize with her clothes on, and... is Michelle Yeoh, who is a kick-butt martial arts movie star, most recently seen in The Mummy 3. Also in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
The martial arts star looks nothing like the lingerie model ... and the first person who says something about "Chinese all look alike" will have ME to answer to, because one of my first serious crushes was Bruce Lee, and -- it ain't true!
And it's NOT that I have any prejudice against underwear, lingerie, and hot bods being photographed while wearing same! But when someone like Michelle Yeoh has worked a lifetime to get that kind of skill, that kind of impact -- the right performer deserved to be credited.
I guess I can sorta kinda understand the guy who wrote the article for a bike magazine being fixated on a lingerie babe -- or at least, Ms. Liu seems to strike an awful lot of poses in undies! Check your Google images and see!
Here she is, apparently about to eat Demi Moore alive. Do I label this kissyface?!