Bale apologizes for 'Terminator' tantrum
It's a very good interview -- a great interview, even, in which the nice guy shows through, and the issues are handled with elegance and aplomb. Here's a quote:
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Christian Bale wants everyone to make fun of him for his profanity-filled tirade against a crew member on the set of "Terminator: Salvation."
Christian Bale said he was "way out of order" with his tirade during "Terminator: Salvation" filming.
"I deserve it completely," Bale told the hosts of a Los Angeles radio show Friday.
In a phone call to KROQ-FM's "Kevin and Bean" show, Bale apologized for the rant last July against Shane Hurlbut, the movie's director of photography, which was captured on a much-distributed audio recording.
"I was out of order beyond belief," Bale said. "I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that."
Bale said that although he has been able to laugh at the jokes, "it's been a miserable week for me."
"There is nobody that has heard that tape that is hit harder by it than me," he said. "I make no excuses for it. It is inexcusable."
Take a moment out to go there and read the whole thing:
Nice one, Christian. Now, let's hope people will drop the whole thing and drive on. Let's get to brass tacks here: would Russell Crowe have been content with shouting and cussing?! He'd probably have wrapped a phone around the director of photography's neck ...! (Sorry, Russell. We love you, man, but I couldn't resist that one.)