Artist nou JYJ feat Kanye West - Ayyy Girl

JYJ reprezinta o combinatie din primele litere ale numelor baietilor din trupa
Kim JaeJoong, Park YuChun si Kim JunSuYJ au facut parte din grupul TVXQ format in 2003. Tohoshinki, numele formatiei de atunci, a avut succes in Japonia insa neintelegerile contractuale cu managerii au dus la disparitia trupei. La inceptul acestui an au pus bazele JYJ.
Albumul “The Begining” a celor de la JYJ contine 7 piese si 3 remixuri. Printre producatori se numara Kanye si Rodney Jerkins.
credits:radio21.roNew photobook to come!
Jaejoong exclusive,in a way we've never seen him before!!!

credit: dnbn+musickorea
[TRANS] 101130 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Update
This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu ^^
A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations
This post includes tweets from 6am KST, November 30th to 5:59am KST, December 1st.
Midnight Snacks don't Go well with Jaejoong
(Jaejoong) Ah.. I shouldn't have eaten at night yesterday.. It must not be good to eat at night (12:47pm KST)
Kokki Kokki gets a Girlfriend
(Jaejoong) Kokki Kokki's girlfriend Kiri Kiri haha (12:52pm KST)
A photo from Ji Bin (with Yoochun!)
(Ji Bin) At the JYJ concert on Sunday with the hyungs and Narsha noona...!! Everyone's there except Junsu hyung.... When I said my voice was cracking because of puberty, Junsu hyung said "Try speaking" and then disappeared... (10:24pm KST)
Ji Bin posts a picture, Jaejoong calls himself a steamed bun
(Ji Bin) A picture of Narsha noona, Jaejoong hyung and me~
(10:39pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin Ji Bin, my face looks like a steamed bun.. And bring back your voice (10:47pm KST)
Jaejoong's gaining Weight?? (Finally -____-)
(Jaejoong) I'm eating meat with our manager hyung right now ^^I must be gaining weight.. (10:53pm KST)
Jaejoong's Quest for Youth
(Jaejoong) I wish I could become just one year younger next year. I must apply lotion regularly and cut back on drinking ! (10:57pm KST)
Ji Bin envies Jaejoong, Jaejoong lies, Ji Bin catches him. Loving this bromance
(Ji Bin) A picture of me and Jaejoong hyung... I see that with handsome people, you can take a picture at whatever angle and they'll still come out well in the photo..... I'm envious...ㅠ (10:54pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin Ji Bin, why must you do this.. I was just getting ready to sleep.. Now, I can't fall asleep.. (10:58pm KST)
(Ji Bin) @mjjeje But hyung, you're eating meat right now. (10:59pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin I'm so tired though because I had a glass of soju..My strength has hit rock bottom haha (11:02pm KST)
(Ji Bin) @mjjeje It must be because you're feeling less tense now that the concert is over haha But I can't bring back my voice... sorry... keke (11:07pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin I'll be anticipating a cool Ji Bin now^^ (11:10pm KST)
Jaejoong is eating the infamous, delicious Heongseong Korean Beef!
(Jaejoong) As expected, Hoengseong Korean beef is the bestㅠ (11:01pm KST)
I see that Junsu is with him, Hur hur
(Junsu) Even the air in Hoengseong is nice~ Ah.....^^ (11:05pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Junsu..ㅠㅠㅠ (11:09pm KST)
Vying for a job as spokesperson for Hoengseong, Junsu?
(Junsu) Everyone, come to Hoengseong~!!!!!!^^ (11:07pm KST)
Jaejoong puts his faith in Korean beef, Let's hope he made the right choice
(Jaejoong) I heard about the foot-and-mouth disease happening.. But I'm going to put my faith in Korean beef! (11:12pm KST)
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