This morning my friend Rodica called me to let me know she found an amazing aplication on Firefox,so pali and personalize ur firefox^^it's fun
----->check it out here<----
thanks for the tip Rodi^_-
I can't wait for JJs japanese movie!
"Letter to Yunho
Hello everyone ^^
I found out just yesterday that a very close friend of my dads (I've known him since I was a baby, too), Morris Pleasure, is the Musical Director and Keyboardist for the This Is It concert. As soon as I saw the ad posted yesterday, I called my dad, shaking and crying (yes, literally xD), and asked him if I could get an autograph or something from Yunho. My dad just got an e-mail back today saying he would get me an autograph, and that Morris will be back in his home city (where we live) sometime this week. I asked my dad to send him another e-mail, asking if I could get a letter together from international fans to give to Morris, who would then give it to Yunho. He just sent the message a few minutes ago, so we haven't heard back from him just yet!
Right now, as I have not gotten a confirmation from Morris, the letter project is NOT 100% GUARANTEED. However, I would like to get this started ASAP, so, if I do get a thumbs-up, I can send the letter out as soon as possible.
What I would like to do it take down our members names and what country you are from, and I will sign each individuals information at the end of the letter. Just reply here in the comments ^^
For example, mine would be:
Name : Joyce (You can put your surname initials if you would like, too.)
Country : USA
Simple, see? I will be asking my friend to see if she can translate each countries name into Korean, so Yunho knows exactly where everyone is from. She will be translating the entire letter into Korean as well ^^
I know that, as International fans, we have a hard time getting our messages across to our boys, so I hope you all will take this opportunity and show your support for not only DBSK, but for International fans everywhere ^^
Thank you all again! I will keep you updated on the situation. Please keep your fingers crossed!
PS - Please excuse any grammatical errors or typos you see. I'm sleep deprived and very excited atm xD "
click here to go on her LJ's post and leave a comment for Yuhno!
Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé
"You know what they say:
Once you kill a cow,u gotta make a burger.
You know Gaga trust is like a mirror
You can fix it if it's broke...
But you can still see the crack in that mother fu$kers refflection"
hahaha the best!
Behold imma make some voodoo shi# and put u all under my spell

by the way...are u having fun playing Jae'l break?
Good luck!!
Mirotic Crystal alaturi de R.A.F,Primadonna Romania si ELF Romania invita toti fanii K-Pop si K-Drama sa participe la primul fanmeeting in cinstea traditilor si culturilor din Coreea de Sud.
Kim Byung Soo [Brian],un coreean care locuieste in Romania,a scris un articol pe Naver [click pe Naver ca sa vedeti articolul] despre raspandirea influentelor coreene la noi in tara.A vorbit detaliat despre Crystals,dar si despre ELFs, Primadonnas sau succesul dramelor sud-coreene de pe TVR1 si TVR2.Multi coreeni s-au bucurat cand au vazut blogul,si-au facut o impresie buna si ar vrea sa stie mai multe.De aceea voi scrie un articol despre fanclubul Mirotic Crystal dar si de relatiile cu alte fancluburi ale unor artisti coreeni.Va rog frumos sa imi trimiteti tot ce aveti voi “Korean”.Adica,daca aveti cd-uri,dvd-uri,fansigns,fanarts,faceti poze si trimiteti-le pe adresa fanclubului: sau contactati-va administratorii si moderatorii si ei imi vor da mie materialul.De asemenea as ruga administratorii sa povesteasca in larg cum au ajuns ei sa infiinteze forumurile si ce simt ei legat de Korean Culture,pot include si mici mesaje din partea membrilor.Articolul va fi tradus din limba romana in coreeana de catre Brian si trimis unui ziarist din Coreea pentru a fi publicat.
Va rog sa constientizati cat de important este acest fanmeeting,este o ocazie unica in viata sa ne sustinem idolii si sa distrugem bariera spatiului intre cele doua tari,Romania si Coreea de Sud.De asemenea sa aratam putin interes pentru situatia coreenilor de la noi din tara,sau a studentilor nostri din Coreea de Sud.
Voi incerca sa fac evenimentul cat mai mediatizat posibil,asa ca va rog incercati sa raspanditi informatiile despre fanmeeting prin toate locurile posibile.Si sa anuntati cat mai multi fani despre eveniment.Consider ca pana in luna August vom avea destul timp sa promovam evenimentul astfel incat sa nu avem plangeri pentru ca cineva nu a stiut sau nu a fost anuntat.
va asteptam la fanmeeting^^it'll be fun!there's gonna be karaoke,and lots of other fun activities.
And if ur not romanian but ur in bucharest and want to attend just let us dee( ) or even me(kity)
see u this august^_- spread the word! sharing is caring
dont forget to visit our romanian DBSK site,too!
and a vote for our blog on diromo kthanks<33 href="">click here to unwrap ur gift ^_-
and the short version for JJ's "honey you've got mail" message alert ringtone! my phone is so happy
download here!
The Jae'l Break game has started!

Ready steady Go! Jae is on the run..catch him^^
Did u register to play?
the bakery is so cute kkk ^_-
vote on diromo for "the bakery"
2 members of SS501 have their own business.
An online clothes store opened recently and they also created twitter accounts..I guess for an easier way of promoting the site.
Good strategy,as we all know how powerful internet is, especially twitter ^_-
their twitters are not fake..they are the real thing.i know for sure since im friends with a PR from Korea that works with alot of artists and actors there and she announced their twitter accounts so its
and Jung Min's
check out their online store
here is a video of jungmin and Kim Hyung Joon,check it.
the members allready left messages on the site:
SS501 members left short messages on RoyalAve
NAME Park Jung Min DATE ( 2010-02-20 13:38:07 ) │ HIT 11
Royal Avenue, be a big hit!!!!!!
Kim Hyun Joong…….Hit the jackpot, Jungmina 2010/02/20 13:39
Kim Hyung Joon………Eu heu heu heu heu(baby’s unique laughter) Park Jung Min, Hi? kk 2010/02/20 13:39
Kim Kyu Jong……… I will buy a lot. Hee Hee^^ 2010/02/20 13:41
Heo Young Saeng……… Work hard!! 2010/02/20 13:41
Credit: Royalave + Violet @ Lizle’s blog (English translation)
Please repost with full credit
Cheers for Lee Soo Man's resignation*raises glass*
A thank you movie for MY HERO
better watch with IE
if the video doesn't load click here to watch
made by kity ^_-
today i was at the mountain with 2 of my friends
this is where i spent the day^^
it's an online webcam broadcasting live from there
It was a cold day...stay warm ^O^

Jaejoong pimpin' lol!
GOSH i luv that necklace! i want it!!!!!!

Yesterday i realised theres so little left of this vacation so i decided to start watching a drama....but then what to choose?I thought watching PASTA but somehow that drama keeps making me hungry so instead i ended up watching Bull Fighting-taiwanese drama with Mike He
I luv his style..he never fails to make me smile and melt at the same time.
Yuhno will be going to USA-L.A this march.
He will be part of the Korea leg of the posthumous concert This Is It dedicated to legendary icon Michael Jackson.Looks like he wont be able to join the boys for promotions in Japan.
last night i dreamt of them again...
More gifts for DBSK!
whoaa santa came kinda late for them this year lol^_^
I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night...lalalala was a GOOD day indeed! A lucky one! I finally found a nice gift for Jaejoong.And since he allready read my letter...i just wrote him some words on that lovely heart-shaped tiny postcard.But that's for me to know and for him to find out soon^^ so imma keep the content of the little postcard private.thanks^^ This is my Valentine's present for you love <3 style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);"> September...are u here,yet??? ajik aji... kidarilkeee !!! <33>ah the thought just crossed my my letter to JJ(the one he allready read) i wrote the adress of this blog...what if he visits and sees the pictures???THE SURPRISE WOULD BE RUINED! OMO OTTOKE???
Jaejung is u see this please close ur eyes kkkkk~~~
secret! kkkk^^
I'll let you know at the right time^__-
These are the gifts from Lelis.For JJ,too ofcourse!!
Told'ya we're biased! k lemme introduce the gifts:from left to right there is an romanian apron(which im sure he will use often when cooking kkk) and it has a meaningful message,too:"VISIT ROMANIA!!!!" kkk~~
2nd is the lovely gift-bag,the special teddy bear and a cd with compilation of romanian music.
im sure he'll like the songs Lelis chose for the CD^^maybe he'll transfer some on his iPod:D
lmao i can allready imagine him cooking wearing this LMAO^^hilarious
I hope he makes lots of delicious food wearing this and he remembers us every time.
isn't he cute?
Future Fangirl
OMG this video totally made my day!beware girls we have some serious competition here!!
The gifts for DBSK are ready! Don't they look cute packed like that?
Dee^^ did a great job! Good job crystals! I'm proud of u!/group hug/
These will be sent to Maria and via Seoul on 24th!!! Stay tunned for more pics when the boys recieve the presents!

there is gingerbread packed there and that's chocolate flavoured corn.Yum!
my fav sweets *drolls* YAH SAVE SOME FOR ME!!

The T-shirts,one for each^^
can u guess which T-shirt is whos?
imma help u...
" Smile if you think i'm sexy! "
"I'm the BOSS "
"HELP! Everybody wants me! "
"SAVE EARTH! It's the only place with chocolate "
"I'm too sexy for this T-shirt! "

THSK - 100216 BEST Album Off-Shot [DVD]
[ALBUM] Tohoshinki ~ BEST COLLECTION 2010 (FULL | MQ)

Track List
02 Share The World
03 My Destiny
06 Stand by U
07 Stay With Me Tonight
08 明日はくるから
09 "O"-正・反・合-
10 Sky
11 Somebody To Love
12 Lovin' you
13 Rising Sun
14 Summer Dream
15 Bolero
16 Begin
CD 2: [全9曲収録予定]
01 Forever Love [ジュンス選曲A]
02 SHINE [ユチョン選曲B]
03 Love in the Ice [ジェジュン選曲C]
04 Beautiful you [チャンミン選曲D]
05 HUG -Japanese ver.- [ユンホ選曲E]
06 甘く果てしなく
07 時ヲ止メテ/Please Stop Time
08 With All My Heart~君が踊る、夏~
PS. Individual link for new song are avalible, just click on title to download.
File Size: 166 MB
Bit Rate: 128 Kbps
DL Link: CD1 | CD2 | Only 4 New Sonng
Credit: kpoparchieve +
Upload Credit:
Please full credit if you taking out.
Another jjang project by 5 Gods of The East and Phoenix
Im sure the boys will see the video and luv it *wink wink
Happy Valentine's day!
Like a very wise man once said..."When u can't resist temptation,the best thing u can do is succumb!"

And i refuse to believe that saying...
The most beautiful love stories remain those which never were fulfilled.
I cannot and refuse to believe that,and still...
have a crazy in love day! ^_-
I finished all my exams today finally!!!
You know it's FREEDOM when bad things feel so damn good!
V-DAY shopping on Monday!! Who would've thought i'll get to do this..and for who! HAH!
Any ideas for a nice present?
I need to take time and think what i wanna do and what's best for me.
Need to put order in my thoughts and rest! ALOT!
I can't wait to start my korean lessons with Maria^^
Is it september,yet?!!! :D
I'll have to sleep like...a week non-stop to recover from this finals session!!
and sincer our exams are over...let's do something fun!
Let's play a game!

First international game hosted by Shades of Jae'd: International Kim JaeJoong Fanclub in partnership with 29 International DBSK/DBSK related sites!!
wanna play? ^_-
Official Jae'l Break Promo Vid
Want to find out where Jae Joong is going? Want to be one of the first 5 to find him and get rewarded with amazing prizes???
Then .. go here: to pre-register for the game. Those who pre-register will get a freebie! Pre- Registration ends February 24th!! After that the regular Registration will begin!
[TEASER] SoJ #001
(HQ SONG) DBSK- 時ヲ止メテ Please Stop Time
OMG! i've been waiting for soooo long...i adore this song!(HQ SONG) DBSK- 君が踊る夏 W!th All My H3@rt


And don't forget to vote for our blog on TVXQ TOPLIST@diromo kthanks <333>
Green Day- Wake Me Up When September Ends
*leaves humming*
"Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave"
I know it's kinda late...but since i hadn't made my new year's resolutions,yet...
You know what they say...better late than never.
I know exactly what I want and it's just one thing:
and that's for me to know..and u to find out
kity fighting!

and something to cheer me up and you...

looks like someone is having a hang over
click to enlarge!

That says it all...just let me know when it depresses me!
I know its not 14th,yet! but it will be and i must take measures.
im not in my best mood right now.
i dont even know why im posting this.

Rihanna - Russian Roulette
Fact-i always play this song when i check the blog.can't help it!its soo addictiveCheryl Cole - Fight For This Love
i luv this song
Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt
Is it better? Is it worse?
Are we sitting in reverse?
It's just like we're going backwards
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let's go slow
What I don't wanna do is crash, no
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back, back, back, back, back to the start
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
Now every day ain't gon' be no picnic
Love ain't a walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can't be afraid of the dark
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back, back, back, back, back to the start
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
I don't know where we're heading I'm willing and ready to go
We've been driving so fast we just need to slow down and just roll
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting's out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
I passed another exam YAYYY!!!!
Remember the announce i said i was going to make?It goes only for romanian fans though...miahn.You can go to crystals mirotic official dbsk romanian forum and vote for the gift u want us to send to DBSK! Dee is in charge of gathering the gifts & letters please contact her on the forum.You can find the forum on our affiliates list
u can contact us on our emails which u can find under the cbox ^_- please hurry we must do it until 21st of february! DBSK allready knows about our existence but they will also have something to remember us! please think which gift would represent our country best aja crystals! Thank you Maria for making this happen <3>
also..the 2nd announce i wanted to make is also for the romanians interested in korean
this was written by my friend maria who is a student there so if u are passionate about korean culture and language here is something u might find interesting:
"La Facultatea de Litere din Cluj exista specializare pe Lb. Coreeana. De asemena exista si un Centru Coreean sponsorizat direct Fundatia Coreeana ceea ce asigura o dotare optima, precum si numeroase materiale referitoare la cultura si civilizatia Coreeana. Facultatea ofera 9 burse in Coreea in fiecare an: 5 la Dongguk University ( universitate la care merg numeroase celebritati coreene) si 4 la Seoul National University (cea mai buna universitate din Coreea, si locul 47 in lume). Ca urmare a acestui acord dintre universitati, in fiecare an vin in schimb de experienta 9 studenti coreeni. Impreuna cu ei se desfasoara numeroase activitati atat in cadrul centrului, cat si inafara lui."
thanks maria for the infos ^_-

JJ in S Cawaii Magazine part2

kity: yoboseyo?
kity: na ya<3>

Translation: junsulv & smiley @
Special Thanks: 'Lovedust & xU* @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.
Do not remove the translations from the PS-ed scans. Thanks!
i luv this song...
Yesterday i recieved a good news from my friend Lee...he's gonna be a dad next week^__^ omg time seems just like yesterday i was talking to him on YM and he was a convinced bachelor ^^kkkk Whoa people do change...once again u can see the power of a woman^_- My blessings to the soon to be born child(he's a boy) and to his wife Hanna he wished me a kid soon LOL AS IF! yeah..well thats not gonna happen too soon Lee^__^

All the best...and this song is for u ^^kkkk Chukae oppa!
(DOWNLOAD LINK) 4MEN (포맨) - My Angel (feat. 윤후)
download the song here!

[ENG] 100202 KSJ 17 - Lee Joon + Rain's call + Teukigayo cut
roflmao i cracked up!so hilarious

Today,4th of feb, is Han Jaejung's real birthday!

천사에 대한 하나님 감사합니다 !
항상 그를 돌봐
Happ bday love!
gosh i luv his smile here

@URNOBODY@ J.Ae (제이) - Love
OMG I LUV THIS SONG and i dedicate it to JJ for his bday!click here to download the whole album!
[News] DBSK/THSK/ TVXQ Chosen By Viewers Of American Talk Show 'Ellen Degeneres Show' As A Rising Star
In the 'Send Ellen Your International Music Suggestions!' event that began on NBC's 'Ellen Degeners Show' homepage in January, TVXQ received over 20,000 suggestions and was recorded as the artiste most suggested by netizens. This was achieved by a collaborative effort of fans in Korea as well as in Asia.
Many of the suggestions included the popularity of TVXQ/Tohoshinki in Japan and in Asia in general. This seems to be the work of fans across Asia coming together for a common cause.
With TVXQ being chosen as the singer with the most suggestions, many wonder if TVXQ will appear on the 'Ellen Degeneres Show'. The 'Ellen Degeneres Show' is a representative talk show in America alongside 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' and is popular with around 10 million households tuning in. Even just appearing on the show will be a strong foundation for an entry into the American music market for TVXQ. The Ellen Degeneres Show homepage did state that the singer with the most suggestions may be asked to appear on the show.
Regarding this, TVXQ's agency SM Entertainment stated, "We did hear about this but we have not yet received an official invitation." He also continued to say, "Currently, TVXQ is split between U-Know Yunho-Choikang Changmin, and Xiah Junsu-YoungWoong Jaejoong-Micky Yoochun. At the current situation, it would not be easy for the five members to appear on the show together." Currently, TVXQ is performing only in important events in Japan.

Source: [isplus+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits:
Shared by:
Do not remove/add on any credits
Yuhno for Evisu-smeexy
aww whats wrong baby?too short?gwencana...

if u like this pic pls vote for our blog on TVXQ TOPLIST@DIROMO!
there is a button under the blog banner kthanks <333

hah im sure i would fail all my exams if i was that girl! yeap thats fo'sho!
like im not failing allready..TT.TT HAH FML!!!

Jae Joong Acupuncture!
"Where I live in the U.S. there are plenty of Korean markets, plazas, restaurants and shops to go to. A friend of mine mentioned an acupuncture place near her church not too far from my house...

The entire place, I think it was closed because it's Sunday. ^^ My friend (who was with me) also informed me that the spelling in Korean is different.

Nothing too amazing, but I though you all would be amused to take a look. ;) Once again, Mods, feel free to delete if this isn't allowed! "

JAECHUNSU at GIMPO Airport (309 Pics)

Credit: as tagged + SYC +
Upload Credit:
Please full credit if you taking out.

Letter #20 from a DBSK fan to other fans
This video made me cry! I'm so proud of ur love cassies!Always keep the faith and Hope to the end! AJA HWAITING!^^kkkkWho's blonde? JJ^__^
ahh so many things happened..and are happening..and will happen T.T good..and bad..aish so so so complicated..such a strange time of my life:( i hate it tough..
i passed a hard exam that i failed last year..and i wasnt sure i'll ever pass it o_o but i did! almost failed it..but passed it eventually LOL
i have another one tomorrow and other 3 next month pls pray for me x_X
Good luck to all of u who have exams these days!
here u go.some jj eye-candy

I don't get it why we're still celebrating JJ's bday on 26th if we all know now he was really born on 4th feb...oh well..whatever
im still celebrating it on 4th bc thats when my Han Jaejoong was truly born.Oh happy its my dads bday,too ^^kkk
Yoochun ah updated his cy again..i luv his new BG image.also his new playlist
looks like someone is happy^_-

yesterday i was watching tv with mum and one of the guests of a show told the story of how he met and proposed to his wife.(the guest is a member of a well known romanian band)
and it was something like this...few years ago he was having a concert in another city when he saw in the middle of the crown a girl weaing an all-white long dress and he said she looked like an angel..he actually tought she is an angel ROFL
so in the middle of the song..he interrupted and asked her if she has a bf and if she would go to a movie with him...and she said yes...well they had a small conversation(he was talking on the mic and she was in the crowd of FANS)
can u imagine that happening to one of DBSK's concerts? MADNESS lol plus she would never make it to the date LOL ^__^
pls vote for our blog on TVXQ TOPLIST on diromo we dropped so much TT.TT
kthanks <3>

[Intro - TCB Special] Are you okay (Gwaenchanayo)?
Olivia Lufkin lyrics Tears and Rainbows
I officially started my finals i had my 1st went pretty well..i guess...oh well we shall see the result tomorrow.But i guess u can call it a good start xD^__^ i luv this relaxes me and this is exactly what i need right now! enjoy!ELLEN IS LOOKING FOR AN AWESOME INTERNATIONAL BAND! ITS OUT CHANCE!

Finals next week
the next two weeks are gonna be....HARD so probably no updates till im dead sick TT.TT i caught an ugly cold(not AH1N1) lol.take care stay warm and study hard...not like me!
oh and dont forget to vote for our blog on tvxq toplist@diromo...we dropped on 30th place T.T

00:01 AM
shall sleep nao..sweet dreams nite <3>

A very cute fan account of Kim hyun joong, Kim Jae Joong TVXQ @ Airport waiting lounge

A very cute fan account of Kim hyun joong, Kim Jae Joong TVXQ @ Airport waiting lounge
Well, let see! Where should I begin?
It’s about my experience with meeting two famous Korean celebrities while waiting for my flight at a business launch in Canada Airport.

They are Kim Hyun Joong (Jihoo from BOF) and his friend, Kim YaeJoong. I’m an old chap, not a big fan of anything, but I do watch/listen to Korean drama and music. My two nieces are dedicated fans, so they keep me updated once in a while.
The two young men were sitting right across from my seat. Since I was busy working on my laptop, I didn’t noticed their presents until one of their travel companions dropped something on the floor.
KHJ looks quite young in person. His complexion is amazingly nice. He’s very fair, and very pretty. He looks ethereal, almost like an angel himself. His skin is as nice as a child‘s. Women would go for extreme measures just to have that kind of skin (so unfair). Kim YaeJoong is also very handsome. He looks a little quirky, but that makes him sexy. I found Jaejoong a little more approachable and down-to-earth, since he does not have that “God” vibe look as KHJ does.
Those two seem very close. They didn’t talk much, but the way they exchanged eyes contacts and shared a drink showed their closeness. I watched them from behind my laptop (he he … shame on me, an old lady). At one point, they made some loud noise and looked at me wary. I smiled just to reassure them. Jaejoong nod his head and I thought he said sorry. HyunJoong just smiled and shyly looked down. Right at that moment, I understood why they called him ‘prettier than flower’.
If I’m not wrong, Jaejoong is older than HyunJoong right? The younger one leaned on his friend’s shoulder and slept like a baby, while the older one sat till and even tried to put a coat on his young friend. I guess only Asian can show such affection to same-sex friends without the thought of been mistaken as homosexual. I found them really cute, and innocent.

I didn’t want to disturb or make them uncomfortable, I planed to wait to right before I leave for the flight to ask for their signatures, and pictures. Those will be great gifts for my two nephews. However, when I came back from the wash room, they were gone.

As a punishment for failing to get their pictures, my two nieces insisted me to write a fan account (?) to share my experience with all the fans. So, here it is, my first ever fan account. I hope you all enjoy it. It was great to feel young, and being a fan girl once again. Thanks to the two gorgeous young men.
/gosh i luv his peeking tatoo @_@/

To my nieces, Lauren and Alexandra
With love, Mia Ng
Credit: posted by UniNg.
Original text in French
English translation by Alex Ng.
Yoochun updated his BG picture...
it says something like:
'Don't hurry too much. It's not bad to slow down a bit..(or why don't we slow down a little)'
translations made by my friend SunyoungCho @twitter

100113 Tohomobile Exam Encouragement Special
Since this is exam season in Japan, Tohomobile launched a special section to convey Tohoshinki's encouraging messages to students who are taking the exams.
aja fighting for the exams TT.TT
oh my gid sun my exams are comming and they are comming fastttttt o_o
ottokajo? -__-

It's gonna be okay since I'm gonna be with you!
Be confident in yourself☆
Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Hyun joong and JaejoOMG in Vancouver rofl~~
click to enlarge

shared by: DBSKcafe + coffup @ onetvxq

Guess who's a fan of tvxq? lol the South Korea president himself..
look at him all cute and all in his fan-mode awww kiyawaaaa ^__^ kekeke tagged.
as u may allready know break out preview is out allready...
u can download a better quality of the video -->>here<<--- Credit: DBSKnightsMisc (for VID) + (for file DL)
Upload Credit:
Please full credit if you taking out.
some collages i made just for fun.
me and jaeboo

can u see any similarities? i do..and if u would've readf the book..u would def freak out from the similarities...
P.S: the book is in far as i know it hasn't been translated,yet...thought it's from 2002 ..but it's a very interesting book! about some paranormal discoveries in the mountains from my country..yeah i like SF its just that this book is not fiction..or so it says...

LOL dont die laughing ok?^_^ i warned u!
oh btw thats the MALE version of me..the female version was fugly...BAD! avatarize urself too!
have fun!
!!!!------>>>click here to see me avatarized and rofl<<<--------!!!! Make sure to check out Jaejoong avatarized,too make sure to read his message ROFL*gets shot !!!HERE!!!
he looks so handsome!
Place your headphones,click on the buttons or tap on the keyboard letters as shown in the screen
u can reproduce the song harder faster stronger by daft punk.its fun!
---------->>>click here<<----------
Stalking DBSK!
I luv Micky's ipod with the smiley face on ^_-

because of Jaejoong..everytime i hear Beyonce's Sweet dreams song i always stop and listen 'till the end and think of him.bc its his fav song to go to sleep on <3>

Yoochun~ah updated his cyworld again
added 4 new songs
and changed his status also
it now says:"Oh well..."
and i luv his new BG pic

yesterday i was bored so i opened Picasa..and this is what resulted ROFLMAO ^__^
it somehow reminds me of that drowning scene from New Moon with Bella and Edward

Stand By U (Orgel Music Box Version)
download link -->HERE<--- Credit: wtnbngs + fandamr @
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i was looking for a song "fleur de lis" yesterday on youtube and i discovered this japanese pianist.
she is soo talented! check out her songs on youtube! u'll def luv her.
Keiko Matsui - Water Lily
" [O!] All About International Cassiopeia Season 1
Mods, not sure if this is allowed. If it's not then I have no problem with it being rejected.
[O!] All About International Cassiopeia Season 1
I'm not sure if you guys remember that OneTVXQ were going to make a DVD for the boys for their 6th Anniversary called All About International Cassiopeians, Season 1. Our own version of AADBSK but yeah, it's finally done and uploaded unto Youtube.
It's not perfect like AADBSK because we're not pro like that lol but even with the small numbers of staff members, I believe it came out as best as we could get it.
There's 13 parts so I hope you guys enjoy it ^^
--->>click here to watch the videos <<--
[DL] The Secret Code ScreenSaver

File Name: Screensaver with BGM
File Size: 3.88 MB
DL Link : MediaFire
File Name: Screensaver without BGM
File Size: 2.37MB
DL Link: MediaFire
now u know what my screensaver is ^_-
Crerdit: 빵또아 + DNBN
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Keit@ t@lk$ @bout j@ejoong

This letter is from someone going by the username “Keita and Jaejoong LOVE”, completely in love with me and Jaejoong-ah, it shows clearly from the radio name.
Writer of the letter: “Lately, Keita’s blog mentions Tohoshinki’s Jaejoong a lot, their happy conversations and such, may I ask how close exactly is your relationship with Jaejoong? Another, I really like both Tohoshinki and w-inds. And like Keita and Jaejoong a lot.
Keita: “This message makes me happy, thank you. With Jaejoong, it just happened to be last year at the end of the year, we appeared together on a Countdown TV late night show, and when we were asked about old videos, we sat close to Tohoshinki, and I sat very close to Jaejoong. After that, we chatted, can’t remember exactly what we talked about, but after our chat, our relationship changed. We talked about exchanging mail. But at the time, we were both very busy, didn’t have time for the exchange. So later, Jaejoong through his manager… At that time said he will leave a mail, after that, the mail was given to me, so I felt… Jaejoong is very handsome, so manly, not just saying this for fun, he’s really, a very nice guy. So from then on, we communicated a lot, and I noticed now Jaejoong is a really warmhearted guy, a bit childish…… As everyone know, Tohoshinki is very popular, so please support Tohoshinki as well as w-inds. I talked a lot about music with jaejoong, and we have discussed how wonderful it would be if one day we can collaborate.”
credit: 0花舞花落泪0@baidu
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P.S: Don't forget to vote for us on diromo.we've dropped on 24th:( click on the tvxq toplist vote button.kthanks <3>