I missed one week and i got a call from lelis telling me that they have this issue with SM.
I come home and find tones of posts abt this SM lawsuit crap and understood NOTHING!
and the fans went all crazy and stuff that they r gonna disband and stuff...which made it worse
they never said anything abt disbanding! ppl please!
stop creating chaos...as it is enough with the lawsuit and all....i know the situation isnt pink at all but its not that blue either.
just let me know when this is over...
leaving all the bad things behind..have u seen the video??
THE video..im sure u know what vid i'm talking abt!
yes! this one!!
omg this was so unexpected and so beautiful!im speechless
ahh i missed my boys sooo much!
the last three days at the seaside were so long for me..i thought they'll never end so i can get back home faster and reunite with my laptop and my kpop news:)) LOL
that sounded so...eeek nvm
but its true..i thought i'll die on that train back home...and i had an hour delay too!!argh!
but thank God there are cellphones and that Lelis was home to give me the 411.mwah cousin luv.
maybe if i behave she'll give me that oh so long expected banner i want xD
as u probably know micky is looking for a new dog.i wonder why...he allready has Harang..and not so much time to take care of him properly.why take a second dog?i dont get it..oh well...anywayssssss
i disagree with BUYING one...
like paris hilton says:
"Adopt rather then buy from pet stores"!!
its "Cheaper" and its a good deed.
u can find here all the videos from all about dbsk 3
click me!!
i laughed so much watching this.ofcourse and rewatching it,too^^
je's laughter is priceless HA-HA-HA
aweee look at him with those puppy eyes
so cute!

I can't remember where do i got this picture from..but i know exactly why i saved it.because its the type of ring Jae would definetly wear:)It has that lotus flower engraved..the one jae luvs and has on many of his jeweleries:)awww i want that ring!!!!so i can give it to him ofcourse^_~

it took me more than 4 days to watch all the news and dramas and series i've been watching and been missing while i was away.
now im thinking of starting watching "Dream" with son dambi and kim beom
i cant wait to get a better glimpse of chunnie's new tatoo and maybe jae's too:D
and i think he does too...since he's wearing them alot^^

looking forward for alex's appearance on scandal@Mnet.cant wait
have u seen uknow on EVISU? ROAR

yesterday i found out my exams r starting on the 5th of september:( poor me
so starting next week kity is becoming a nerd and is gonna pass all the exams aye?
until then i got two more days to go so what to do?
i think imma watch "my girl and I" (yuhno's recomendation on bigeast radio)
and VMA awards 2009
and starting monday...intense studying TT_TT
mmm lets see...another good news i got when i came home was that its official:"Hyun Bin and hye son" yay i loved them in worlds within:X:X:X yay my fav drama couples r becoming real life couples too! how cool is that?!

xiahky is so cute! just like his owner
i think xiahky is my fav of all the member's dogs..
i used to like vicky but she's gotten so big and rusty.
harang is nice too...but xiahky is nicer^^

about max's dog...what can i say? he's as CUTE as his owner:)))))phhhahaha
oh uknow's dog is nice too..i always confuse him with chunnie's.maybe bc they're both huskys i dunno..!! ofcourse chunnies is much bigger(the dog that is!) but anyhow...
ok..whoever has all these screencaps and the ones with yunjae talk and jaesu talk and others must have the videos too!
and i want them! NAOOO!!
upload them allready!!geeeee
haha omg!!max massaging xiah's leg...
whats that?maybe a little shiatsu technics?who knows...
speaking of..i had THE BEST shiatsu massage ever!! at the seaside!
worthed every cent!

oh yeah and i luv the new SM Town '09 track -"Seaside"
totally love it!!
its soo...summerish!
wish i had it earlier on my phone so i can listen it at the seaside...:( oh well..there's always next year:)
i like "nothing better" too!but not as much as "Seaside"
seaside reminds me of that song from the infinity challenge show.the one with Jung HyunG Don and Epik High-B.B.Q.
just a little..
arisong yeah:) hwangBo is back!!!! loves it!
a little something from the "Tour Persona" of SS501
Hyun Joong bringing sexy to the other level ROAR^__^

If ur a Gundam lover,or a geek as i like to call them...then Tokyo is the place to be these days.
why? uhmmm cause there's a Huuuge Gundam in the center of Tokyo!
ok this one is kinda scarry:|
can u imagine this guy walking around on the tokyo streets?crazy!

I must confess i never was of fan of these...i dont even understand the fuzz...
The first time i heard of a Gundam was in a we got married episode...
for those who watched it..u allready know JunJin's girl was a die-hard fan.
Thats when i first heard of a Gundam,and i just didnt like it.
Even Tablo went to see the life-sized robot,and he posted the pictures on his blog...
and i borrowed them for a sec so i can share with u ^__^

click here to see Tablo's blog pictures with Gundam
Miyavi is a happy daddy
from his myspace blog:
"thank u for ur lovely comments from such different places !!
we hope our lil girl will become a person who is able to love and also be loved,
and that's the reason of her life and why she is born
with his "Melody"and his "Lovely" girl he has a family now.
God bless

this is so heart-warming
I still can't believe he's a dad,omo.This is so great:)
Downloading my trip and basically my whole summer vacation:( it was a short one this year:(
so imma make it short and in pictures.
btw i hate my cyworld!! it wont upload any pictures! at all!! gahh
ahahha let me tell u a little story.one night we came here and there was a group of very drunk koreans at the table next to us.and they were playing some kind of beer game i have no idea what was it about.but they were looking at the glass of beer...all of them and started laughing histerically! omg that was SO funny!the bad part is that some stupid romanians from another table close to us started making fun of them.i got so pissed!anyway the koreans totally ignored them,or maybe they were too drunk to notice LOL.I think they were at the 10th round of beer,no joke! but they could still stand! man they resist the alcohol like crazy!i've never seen such thing.any other would have been long gone after drinking the amount of alcohol they had!
they played alot of "rock paper sccisor"and they were LOUD! very loud.but it was fun.i wish i was at their table...at least they were having fun..alot more fun than i was having at my table:))
i rode that!and it was crazy!!!
@the Mall,very little shopping,since i was on a budget...its recession ppl!
running from the sun
i got tanned :>
P.S: i didnt rode the wheel this year:(
nobody wanted to ride it with me
we've seen the sunrise ,the sunset,we've seen them'all

Romania,Black Sea @Costinesti
best place for the youngsters^^
its our little paradise for the summer
our romanian version of IBIZA lol:)))
take that for a comparison!
with my good friend DELIA
my fav place to eat,i could see all the beach from there
the view was priceless.

this is where we stayed

Did i mention i miss L.A?
ok thats it im out! peace! Bye! ^__~

credits:lelis :*
I come home and find tones of posts abt this SM lawsuit crap and understood NOTHING!
and the fans went all crazy and stuff that they r gonna disband and stuff...which made it worse
they never said anything abt disbanding! ppl please!
stop creating chaos...as it is enough with the lawsuit and all....i know the situation isnt pink at all but its not that blue either.
just let me know when this is over...
leaving all the bad things behind..have u seen the video??
THE video..im sure u know what vid i'm talking abt!
yes! this one!!
omg this was so unexpected and so beautiful!im speechless
DBSK - [HQ/Subbed] 090814 Picture of You / Afterglow MV
ahh i missed my boys sooo much!
the last three days at the seaside were so long for me..i thought they'll never end so i can get back home faster and reunite with my laptop and my kpop news:)) LOL
that sounded so...eeek nvm
but its true..i thought i'll die on that train back home...and i had an hour delay too!!argh!
but thank God there are cellphones and that Lelis was home to give me the 411.mwah cousin luv.
maybe if i behave she'll give me that oh so long expected banner i want xD
TVXQ - 090802 Kimpo Airport

i disagree with BUYING one...
like paris hilton says:
"Adopt rather then buy from pet stores"!!
its "Cheaper" and its a good deed.
Yoochun and Ricky buying a new pet (: !
u can find here all the videos from all about dbsk 3
click me!!
All about TVXQ season 3 - Car chasing
i laughed so much watching this.ofcourse and rewatching it,too^^
je's laughter is priceless HA-HA-HA
aweee look at him with those puppy eyes
so cute!

it took me more than 4 days to watch all the news and dramas and series i've been watching and been missing while i was away.
now im thinking of starting watching "Dream" with son dambi and kim beom
i cant wait to get a better glimpse of chunnie's new tatoo and maybe jae's too:D
and i think he does too...since he's wearing them alot^^

looking forward for alex's appearance on scandal@Mnet.cant wait
have u seen uknow on EVISU? ROAR

yesterday i found out my exams r starting on the 5th of september:( poor me
so starting next week kity is becoming a nerd and is gonna pass all the exams aye?
until then i got two more days to go so what to do?
i think imma watch "my girl and I" (yuhno's recomendation on bigeast radio)
and VMA awards 2009
and starting monday...intense studying TT_TT
mmm lets see...another good news i got when i came home was that its official:"Hyun Bin and hye son" yay i loved them in worlds within:X:X:X yay my fav drama couples r becoming real life couples too! how cool is that?!

xiahky is so cute! just like his owner
i think xiahky is my fav of all the member's dogs..
i used to like vicky but she's gotten so big and rusty.
harang is nice too...but xiahky is nicer^^

about max's dog...what can i say? he's as CUTE as his owner:)))))phhhahaha
oh uknow's dog is nice too..i always confuse him with chunnie's.maybe bc they're both huskys i dunno..!! ofcourse chunnies is much bigger(the dog that is!) but anyhow...
ok..whoever has all these screencaps and the ones with yunjae talk and jaesu talk and others must have the videos too!
and i want them! NAOOO!!
upload them allready!!geeeee
haha omg!!max massaging xiah's leg...
whats that?maybe a little shiatsu technics?who knows...
speaking of..i had THE BEST shiatsu massage ever!! at the seaside!
worthed every cent!

oh yeah and i luv the new SM Town '09 track -"Seaside"
totally love it!!
its soo...summerish!
wish i had it earlier on my phone so i can listen it at the seaside...:( oh well..there's always next year:)
i like "nothing better" too!but not as much as "Seaside"
seaside reminds me of that song from the infinity challenge show.the one with Jung HyunG Don and Epik High-B.B.Q.
just a little..

a little something from the "Tour Persona" of SS501
Hyun Joong bringing sexy to the other level ROAR^__^

If ur a Gundam lover,or a geek as i like to call them...then Tokyo is the place to be these days.
why? uhmmm cause there's a Huuuge Gundam in the center of Tokyo!
All you robot fans need to travel to Odaiba and pay your respects.
As of now it can move, or at least the head does. In the last couple of days technicians working on the statue have helped to make the head rotate back and forth, and nod up and down, as crowds of onlookers watch speechlessly.
This giant 35-ton, 18-meter badass Gundam is to be unveiled in Odaiba, Tokyo on July 11 in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Gundam Moblie Suit robot franchise. It will be open to the public (for free) until August 31.(u still got time to see the gundam ya'll pali wa)

can u imagine this guy walking around on the tokyo streets?crazy!

I must confess i never was of fan of these...i dont even understand the fuzz...
The first time i heard of a Gundam was in a we got married episode...
for those who watched it..u allready know JunJin's girl was a die-hard fan.
Thats when i first heard of a Gundam,and i just didnt like it.
Even Tablo went to see the life-sized robot,and he posted the pictures on his blog...
and i borrowed them for a sec so i can share with u ^__^

click here to see Tablo's blog pictures with Gundam
Miyavi is a happy daddy
from his myspace blog:
"thank u for ur lovely comments from such different places !!
lemme announce her name to the world here.
we hope our lil girl will become a person who is able to love and also be loved,
and that's the reason of her life and why she is born
so we gave her the name 愛理 "Lovelie"
愛 stands for Love
理 stands for Reason
"The reason of Love"
理 stands for Reason
"The reason of Love"
and also we gave her a middle name.
"Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara "as an american.
"Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara "as an american.
Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara
Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara
Please give her a lot of love and kisses !!
The rights to love and to be loved is not just one person's only.
On the same time, happiness is something that should be shared.
We want to be a family where we can share love and happiness to everyone around us through our happiness.
On the same time, happiness is something that should be shared.
We want to be a family where we can share love and happiness to everyone around us through our happiness.
Let's start from I LOVE YOU. "

God bless

this is so heart-warming

Downloading my trip and basically my whole summer vacation:( it was a short one this year:(
so imma make it short and in pictures.
btw i hate my cyworld!! it wont upload any pictures! at all!! gahh

they played alot of "rock paper sccisor"and they were LOUD! very loud.but it was fun.i wish i was at their table...at least they were having fun..alot more fun than i was having at my table:))

P.S: i didnt rode the wheel this year:(
nobody wanted to ride it with me

best place for the youngsters^^
its our little paradise for the summer
our romanian version of IBIZA lol:)))
take that for a comparison!

the view was priceless.

this is where we stayed

Did i mention i miss L.A?
ok thats it im out! peace! Bye! ^__~