DBSK afterthoughts about Tokyo Dome

Dong Bang Shin Ki talks about their feelings with the end of their Japanese concert tour. The group had their last Japanese concert tour performance on 4th and 5th at the Tokyo Dome. The concert tour saw more than 300,000 audience present at the concert performances, and had brought it more than 40 billion KRW.
Dong Bang Shin Ki said, “We had more concert performances than from last year but it ended much faster then we thought. We were very excited about experiencing the different food and culture at the different places we went.”
“It still feels very real to us, the concert. Especially the finale performance at Tokyo Dome, we can still feel the after effect of it. We are really touched as we had talked about performing at the Tokyo Dome between the members when we first advanced into Japan.”
“We had also taken a little break this year to go visit OnCheon with our band, dancers and staff to relieve stress. We have also seen another side of our staff, we have become more close to each other, it was a fun experience. Our trip to Sapporo was the more impressionable. Xiah JunSu has finally joined us for dance performance after he got himself injured. We felt complete as 5 members again on stage.”
And about them being the 1st Korean artistes to perform at the Tokyo Dome, “It serves as greater meaning as the 1st Korean artistes to perform at the Dome, and we are really excited as the chance for us to perform at the Dome came faster than we expected.”
Credits: KBitessome fancams b4 i go
they rocked the DOME!
they had red sea...blue sea,cassies and bigeast rocked ,too!!
bye hotties ^__~
jae ah~ your hair looks sexy pushed back xD

u know...vampires don't come into ones house unless... they are invited in :>

woman r u still alive?!
email me,bip me..something!
u left..so many unfinished business here...
chongmal..nomu nomu bogoshipo TT_TT