Taylor Swift with her mom Andrea Swift at

Taylor Swift to Spend Mom's Birthday in 'Saturday Night Live'

Taylor Swift and her BFF, mom Andrea, at the CMT Music Awards.

Taylor Swift pays tribute to her mom Andrea in her self-made and

Taylor went nuts when she found

Taylor Swift's Mom Approves Of Taylor Lautner

-CMT has released a special music video for Taylor Swift's song,

Taylor Swift wants motherhood after music career | Latest News

Swift placed 12th

Singer Taylor Swift was spotted leaving her Manhattan hotel with her mom

Taylor Swift Thanks Her Mom For Getting Her Through The Kanye West Debacle

Taylor Swift momentarily freaked out when her mom moved a beloved Britney

Taylor Swift introduced her new boyfriend Taylor Lautner to her mom Andrea a

Taylor Swift on DWTS is just another feather in the cap of America's country

Taylor Swift
Country starlet Taylor Swift shares musical tribute to her own mom on

Kanye West has reportedly apologized to Taylor Swift for taking away her

Taylor Swift Pictures: Taylor Swift’s Gift To Her Mom

Taylor Swift's Mom Fears Taylor Would End Up Like Britney Spears
Taylor even thanked her mom in her acceptance speech for going out on the