A white picket fence is always a great choice, as it is both simple and

AC Landscaping have many ideas about fencing whether it is for a garden,

Used along three foot metal fence posts, a garden

Ideas for Garden Fencing image by EraPhernaliaVintage (catching up)/Flickr.


The Garden Glove; Creative gardening tips, DIY projects, garden ideas and

Dress a fence < 5 inspiring garden ideas - Sunset.com

Garden Fencing Ideas

I like that the fence still provides privacy without being overbearing and
to see some amazing garden enclosures and pick up some great ideas too.

Worcestershire Front garden ideas from The Gardensmith,

Contemporary Wooden (natural) Garden Fence Panel Designs Inspiration

I like the low rendered fence idea, a bit like this pic but you could take

Essential guide to garden fencing · Essential guide to garden fencing

For more fence designs and ideas, check out the resources below.
Fences and walls also have a big impact on the gardens inside them.

Explore options in decorative garden edging that will handsomely separate
A more detailed description of her fence and other great local

«Fence Ideas Horizontal and Vertical Slats

Fence Ideas – Change the Look and Feel Around Your Home and Gardens